Welcome to the Information Website for Longfin Securities Litigation.

The purpose of this website is to inform you of a class action lawsuit now pending in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York (the “Court”) against Longfin Corp and Individual Defendants Venkat S. Meenavalli, Vivek Kumar Ratakinda, and Suresh Tammineedi (collectively “Defendants”). This website is intended only to advise you (1) that the action has been certified by the Court to proceed as a class on behalf of certain purchasers of Longfin common stock and (2) of your rights with respect to the lawsuit.

The Court has not decided whether Defendants did anything wrong and this website is not an admission by Defendants or an expression of any opinion of the Court concerning the merits of the lawsuit, or a finding by the Court that the claims asserted by Class Representative Mohammad A. Malik (“Class Representative”) in this case are valid. There is no settlement or monetary recovery at this time. There is no guarantee there will be any recovery. However, your legal rights are affected.

Your Legal Rights and Options in This Lawsuit
Do Nothing

Stay in the lawsuit. Await the Outcome. Share in possible benefits. Give up certain rights.

By doing nothing, you are choosing to stay in the Class. You will be permitted to share in any recovery that may result from this Class Action, but you will give up your rights to sue the Defendants in a separate lawsuit for the claims made in this class action. In addition, you will be bound by past and any future court rulings on, or settlement of, the claims against the Defendants.

Ask to be Excluded

Get out of this lawsuit. Get no benefits. Keep your rights.

If you opt out of the Class (meaning you state in writing that you do not want to be included in this lawsuit), you will not be entitled to any recovery that may result from this Class Action and you will not be bound by any past or future rulings in this lawsuit. You will be free to pursue your own claims against the Defendants on your own or as part of a different lawsuit.

The Frequently Asked Questions page of this website has more information on your rights as a Class Member in this Action.